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Italy has 20 Regions...

You could say:- This is more or less the same in every Country in the world: one Country divided in more Regions.... Yes,maybe... But there are some differences... Because in Italy every Region is totally different from another one... This because Italy was born about one hundred years ago, not too long time ago... Before that, there were lots of Country, later united to become Italy... Still now every Region has kept its own characteristic.... So, in all Italy, people can speak Italian but in every Region there is an other language (a dialect) that is a completely different language. When people also speak Italian, they put their accent, and one Italian can understand where he is from only listening to him speaking real Italian. And if someone don't speak Italian but its dialect, nobody else Italian can understand him...

And all I have said is not only about the language.
It's so about customs, habits, character of people and especially about food.
Every region has got own food that is tipical from there and lots of times is very diffcult (if not impossible) to find it in other regions. And now we call the food with a short name but it should have in its name its provenance (Pizza of Napoli, Prosciutto of Parma, Sicilian Granita, Pesto of Genova, etc...).
And we have taken courses from every other Region... this is the way Italy has got an enormous variety of food and dishes.
So Italy is a Country with 20 (or more) different Countries inside... But there are common characteristics: language (now), history, and the love for the food, music, life, wether, style, and other more...
Maybe you could find something similar in every Country of the World, but less, maybe 4 or 5 different Regions about customs, not 20....
Every 100 km (or less) everything changes and you are thrown in a different world... this because Italy is a world in miniature.
This also explains because in Italy is full of bad words... every country had own, and now, all the Italian know and use them, even if every region prefers to continue to use one's own.

Main Page _-_ Where I Live: Genova _-_ Food in Genova and Liguria _-_ Pictures about Genova and Liguria_-_ Video about Genova and Liguria _-_ Where I live in the Summer: Sardegna (not on line)